Audio Product Design
Consumers have many choices today when they look among audio product offerings. Some of these sound quite good, but most do not.
Virtually every audio product's performance is constrained by cost and time pressures. It is the job of an experienced, creative designer to provide high performance and value under these conditions.
Stroud Audio has experience designing small, cost-effective consumer audio products that really perform.
Small speaker boxes, for example, tend to offer little bass. Combining effective signal processing with carefully-tuned acoustics can produce remarkable results with modest costs. -
Audio Products that Perform
Audio product designs that combine electronic and acoustic systems would include:
- Musical instrument amp /speakers
- Home Theater in a box systems
- Satellite - subwoofer computer speaker systems
- Tabletop internet radios or music playersStroud Audio's experience allows us to take advantage of audio electronics, acoustics and psychoacoutics to make your audio product perform beyond expectation.
We specify and verify speaker characteristics that include frequency response, large-signal parameters, and distortion properties.
How SAI Makes Your Products
Sound BetterFor the electronics elements of a product, SAI employs many signal management strategies to give your audio product design a higher value These include:
- Bass loudness compensation
- Equalization, sometimes tied to
loudness compensation
- Bass management for small
speakers, with customer-pleasing
- Enhanced loudness compensation
for very small boxes
- Analog modeling with low end or
high level components to optimize
musical instrument amplifier sound
Why not have Stroud Audio design an audio product for you. Please call us.